The Lifestyle Edit Podcast

162. Identity Upgrades, Leaning Into Growth And Creating Changes That Stick

Episode Summary

So much of the rhetoric around change is through the lens of shame and falling asleep to our needs and our own internal guidance or relying on shear force and motivation.

Episode Notes

So much of the rhetoric around change is through the lens of shame and falling asleep to our needs and our own internal guidance or relying on shear force and motivation.

Karin Nordin takes a completely different approach. With a PHD in mindset and behavior change, she’s on a mission to bring compassion-first change psychology and data-backed science to the personal development space.

In this episode, we unpack actionable ways you can move away from being at war with your goals and instead intentionally work on building the internal muscles that allow you to cooperate with your growth so you can move towards whatever you’re trying to create in your life and business this year.

We discuss:

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